Rákóczi Days at the College in Beregszász

Every year, the Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education traditionally organizes the Rákóczi Days, a series of events commemorating the birthday of the institution’s namesake, Prince Rákóczi. This year, for the 20th time, the institution is organising the Rákóczi Days between 24-30 March.

The ceremonial opening of the Rákóczi Days took place on March 24. As part of the event, the management, teachers and students of our college laid wreaths at the equestrian statue of Ferenc Rákóczi II in the centre of Beregszász. During the wreath-laying ceremony, Rákóczi-themed melodies were performed by Imre Holozsai, an instructor at the Tulipán Tanoda Hungarian School of Folk Music and Folk Art and the Zoltán Kodály Fine Arts School in Beregszász. Additionally, second-year students from the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Teaching, Preschool Education, and Educational Institution Management at Rákóczi College, along with Accounting and Taxation students Rebeka Kocsis and Alexa Lázár, performed traditional Kuruc songs. They were accompanied on the zither by Emília Turjanica and Abigél Gyurkó. The students were prepared by instructor Erzsébet Kokas.

Afterwards, the participants laid wreaths of respect at the busts of Ferenc Rákóczi II and Ilona Zrínyi in the college building.

In the latter part of the day, awards established by the institution were presented.

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