English Majors of Ferenc Rákóczi II College of Higher Education on a Professional Research Trip
The main goal of the trip was to visit the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Pécs and the Department of English Applied Linguistics in particular. Dr. habil. Horváth József introduced us to the functioning of the institution, the department and drew the students’ attention to the possibilities of further studies there. After the lecture delivered by dr. habil Horváth József the students could see other faculties and the university’s botanical garden. Next day the students visited ECL Language Exam Centre whose branch has been functioning at Ferenc Rákóczi II College of Higher Education in Beregszász since January 2016. Dr. Märcz Róbert, ECL test developer delivered a lecture on the ECL exam and the peculiarities of preparing for it. 2019 is the year we commemorate Ferenc Rákóczi II and the trip included visiting his castle in Sárospatak, namely the Red Tower, the Rákóczi era exhibition, and the Rákóczi György cannon-casting workshop.
The research trip could not have been realized without the support of the Rector’s Office of Ferenc Rákóczi II College of Higher Education, Makovecz Scholarship program, the University of Pécs, and the ECL Language Exam Centre.
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