Research and talent management at the Rákóczi College – VII Scientific Debate Afternoon

The Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, in collaboration with the “GENIUS” Charity Foundation, organized the VII. Scientific Debate Afternoon. The event titled “Research and Talent Development at Rákóczi College” took place on May 16.

The attendees were welcomed by Dr. Natália Váradi, the professional organizer of the event, an associate professor at the college, and the office director of the “GENIUS” Charity Foundation.

“It has become a tradition at our institution to organize the Conference of Scientific Student Circles in Transcarpathia (KTDK) in conjunction with the Ukrainian Science Day, with the Scientific Debate Afternoon being held on the eve of the conference,”

she said, introducing the day’s program, which was organized around the 80th anniversary of the forced labor known as “málenkij robot,” the 100th birth anniversary of János Váradi-Sternberg and the 25th anniversary of the LIMES Social Research Institute.

She was followed by Gergely Trieb, consul of the Consulate of Hungary in Beregszász, who also conveyed the greetings of József Bacskai, Consul General of the Consulate General of Hungary in Ungvár, and István Gyebnár, temporary chargé d’affaires of the Consulate of Hungary in Beregszász.

Tamás Kozma, professor emeritus of the Center for Higher Education Research and Development Hungary at the University of Debrecen, in his speech drew attention to the importance of social innovation, as initiatives – including such debates – that do not come from above, from higher authorities, but from society, are the most inspiring and educational.

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“The KTDK is a semi-final of the National Conference of Student Research Societies, a movement where research and talent management are closely linked. We are very pleased that so many people have applied and presented their work,”

said István Csernicskó, rector of the Rákóczi College.

Ildikó Orosz, president of our college, pointed out in her welcome speech that not only the thief but also the scientist is made by the occasion.

“Our task is to create the environment in which young people can develop their talents. And I wish the young to take advantage of the opportunities offered by our college, because we have the workshops in which they can show themselves,”

she added.

The welcome speeches were followed by a series of lectures. First, Dr. habil. Barbara Bank, historian and member of the Hungarian Committee of National Remembrance, gave a presentation on “The Transcarpathian aspects of the Malenky robot”. She was followed by Dr. habil. Natália Váradi, who presented the scientific research programmes of the “GENIUS” Charity Foundation.  Dr. György Csatáry, head of the Department of History and Social Sciences of the Rákóczi College, presented the life of János Váradi-Sternberg, who was born 100 years ago.

In the second half of the day, Dr. Kornélia Hires-László, head of the Antal Hodinka Linguistic Research Centre, presented the research areas of the Centre. She was followed by Dr. István Kolozsvári, head of the István Fodor Research Centre, who presented the tasks of the Research Centre. Finally, Dr. Erzsébet D. Molnár, head of the Tivadar Lehoczky Social Sciences Research Centre, spoke about current research.

The programme was supported by the Ministry of Culture and Innovation and the National Talent Programme.

A. K.

NTP, Nemzeti Tehetség Program