Visit to the University of Debrecen under the Erasmus+ Programme: Experience Exchange and Discussion of Educational Programmes
From 16 to 20 December 2024, representatives of the Department of Accounting and Auditing at the FR II THCHE — Prof. N.N. Poyda-Nosyk, Assoc. Prof. V.K. Makarovych, and Assoc. Prof. V.O. Hanusych — visited the partner university in Debrecen, Hungary, under the Erasmus+ programme. The primary purpose of the visit was to strengthen international collaboration, exchange experiences, and jointly discuss the enhancement of educational programmes.
During the visit, a series of activities were organized, including working meetings, familiarization with the material and technical base, and discussions on adapting the educational process to the modern challenges of globalization. A significant part of the meeting with Prof. Veronika Fenyves, Dean of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Debrecen, was dedicated to discussing the structure of economic educational programmes offered at the FR II THCHE, particularly the “Accounting and Taxation” and “Financial Security” programmes. Participants explored opportunities to apply innovative teaching approaches, research initiatives, and the best practices of the partner university in organizing the educational process, conducting research, and teaching financial, economic, and accounting disciplines.
Meetings with academic staff of the University of Debrecen provided a platform for discussing research topics, establishing external integrative links, and exchanging experiences in accreditation and improving educational programmes.
This event represents a significant step toward internationalization, opening new perspectives for collaboration between the Department of Accounting and Auditing and the Faculty of Economics at the University of Debrecen. It also creates a foundation for implementing joint projects in the future.
We are confident that such visits contribute to enhancing the quality of education and preparing students for successful integration into the international professional community.
We extend our sincere gratitude to our partners for their hospitality and productive exchange of experiences!
Department of Accounting and Auditing
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