On January 19, 2005 the Transcarpathian Regional Court of Appeal admitted a higher tribunal appeal of the institute in respect of the decision reached by the Beregszász District Court of Justice in July, according to which the ownership right for the aforementioned building of the former Court of Justice was cancelled.

On November 27, 2005 an opening ceremony of the Apáczai János Csere Library was held. Together with the Rector’s Office, Informatics Centre and the Imre Révész exhibition hall, it occupies the first floor of the former Court of Justice’s building. The guests of honour were Béla Szabó, President of the HTMH and József Annus, President of the Apáczai Charitable Foundation, as well as the official representatives of the cities which contributed to the renovation of the Institute’s premises.

On November 22, 2005, attended by Vilmos Szabó, Political Under-Secretary of State and Mihály Jambrik, State Secretary of the Ministry of Telecommunication and Informatics, an opening ceremony of the Tivadar Puskás Centre of Informatics took place.

On March 20-24, 2006 a series of cultural events “Rákóczi Days” were organized in the institute to mark the 10th anniversary of the Rákóczi-Institute’s independence since 1996. In commemoration of the momentous date, a special council meeting took place. Also, an art-exhibition of the local painter József Garanyi was staged. Following it, the institute became the venue of the II International Meeting of Choirs of higher education establishments. In addition, an international scientific conference devoted to the problem of Ukraine’s integration to the Bologna process was held. Taking advantage of the opportunity, an opening ceremony of the renovated first floor of the Institute’s main building took place. At the ceremony present were Sándor König and Ferenc Stark, President and President-to-be of the Apáczai Charitable Foundation, as well as Örs Csete, the Foundation’s executive manager. The refurbished lecture halls were sanctified by Antal Majnek, Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church. Within the scope of the cultural events, a permanent photographic exhibition “Renovation of the Ferenc Rákóczi II. Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute’s premises (1999- 2006)” portraying the entire process of the institute’s buildings refurbishment, was opened on 2nd floor of the main building. Finally, a meeting of the institute’s graduates was arranged at which Graduate Club was set up.
On March 29-31, 2006 the institute housed a national scientific methodological conference entitled “New curriculum, new course books in the Hungarian language and literature and their adaptation in the teaching process for 12 years”. The conference was organized with the assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Transcarpathian Regional Department of Education and Science, the Ferenc Rákóczi II. Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute, the Transcarpathian Pedagogical Association, as well as the Regional Institute of

On July 15, 2006 the 8th degree award ceremony was held in the Ferenc Rákóczi II. Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute. 57 degrees “Diplom Specialist” and 37 degrees (BA, BSc) were awarded. The ceremony was attended by Dr. Katalin Szili, President of Hungary’s General Assembly.
On July 29, 2006 the Institute was adjudicated the Bartók Prize.

On November 24, 2006 Hungarian Foreign Minister Kinga Göncz paid a visit to the institute as part of her official visit to Ukraine.
30 листопада-1 грудня 2006 року відбулася наукова конференція, присвячена 50-й річниці визвольної революції 1956 року в Угорщині.