From theory to practice in the field of risk management
On October 23, 2023, applicants for the second (master’s) level of higher education as part of studying the selective discipline “Risk Management” met in an online format with a specialist in the field of credit and operational risks, Ph.D. in Economics Volodymyr Danykiv.
For more than 17 years of practice, Mr. Volodymyr, working in various financial institutions, was engaged in credit risk assessment of innovative financing and optimization of the decision-making system, primarily in consumer lending, both in Ukraine and largely in Great Britain. Since 2015, he has worked in leading UK companies, held the positions of senior credit analyst at Specialist Lending Ltd t/a Duologi (subsidiary of Oaktree Capital Management, Basingstoke), credit risk manager at Fly Now Pay Later Ltd, (London), head of credit Fiinu Plc group (London). He led credit risk reporting and monitoring, providing critical insights to support sound risk management decisions, applied advanced machine learning methods to predict bad debt, etc.
The speaker shared with the students his insights into the experience of credit risk management in various sectors, including consumer lending, as well as the features of SME asset financing, litigation financing and retail financing, features of credit impairment modeling in accordance with IFRS 9.
In the area of students’ interest, there were questions to the speaker about employment opportunities and requirements for applicants for the position of risk manager in British and European companies. Mr. Volodymyr gave his recommendations on what to pay attention to and how to prepare for interviews in such cases.
We express our sincere gratefulness to Mr. Volodymyr Danykiv for sparing his valuable time and sharing his experience with our students! We definitely hope for further fruitful cooperation!
Department of Accounting and Auditing

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