Human Geographical Processes in East Central Europe: Problems, Tendencies and Trends
International Geographical Conference
Berehove (Transcarpathia, Ukraine),
March 26–27, 2020
Following the successful conferences in 2012 and 2016, the Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education is organizing its third international geographical conference in cooperation with the Research Institute for National Strategy (Budapest, Hungary), the Department of Regional Science at Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest, Hungary) and the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development at the University of Debrecen (Hungary). In the past few years, significant changes have taken place in the social situation and geographical characteristics of the region. These have resulted in the emergence of new and evolving challenges, which encourage both decision-makers and researchers to respond and seek up-to-date answers. After four years, it has inspired us to host the conference and provide a venue for experts in this field. We aim at offering a suitable forum for productive discussion arising from human geographical research, an opportunity to exchange information and build personal contacts.
We cordially invite you to the conference “Human Geographical Processes in East Central Europe: Problems, Tendencies and Trends” which is taking place March 26–27, 2020 (Thursday–Friday) in Berehove, at Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education.
The conference is planned to embrace the following sessions:
- Population and social geography
- Economic geography
- Tourism
- Regions and borders
- Environmental problems
The working languages of the conference will be Hungarian, Ukrainian and English.
Invited speakers of the plenary session will be allotted 20 minutes for each presentation. Lectures in the sessions are expected to be not longer than 15 minutes.
You may indicate your interest in attending the conference by filling the online application form at If you want to apply with a lecture, please send an abstract of 500–1000 characters to Abstracts are expected to include the name, institution, position, and e-mail address of the author(s). If the paper has more than one author, please highlight the name of the presenter.
The deadline for submitting applications is December 20, 2019.
We plan to publish the written version of the papers in a conference volume before the event. Manuscripts should meet the formal requirements explained in the appendix and they have to be submitted to until January 10, 2020. The organizers reserve the right to reject abstracts that either do not meet the required academic standard or are not relevant to the conference theme as well as written materials which do not correspond to the formal requirements. We will provide one copy of the conference volume for every participant.
The participation fee of the conference is 1800 UAH (65 €), which must be transferred to the organizers by January 10, 2020, to the following bank account:
Recipient: Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education
Address: Ukraine, 90202 Berehove, Kossuth Square, 6
Representative: Ildikó Orosz, PhD, Rector
Registration number: A 00 No 333923
Taxation / Identification number: 22112656
Bank: PAT „Ukreximbank” Kyiv (ПАТ «Укрексімбанк» м. Київ)
Account number: 26008000017188
MFO 322313
IBAN: UA 23 322313 0000026008000017188
The participation fee covers organizational expenses, the costs of the conference volume, meals on March 26–27, buffet and the bus excursion. The participation fee does not include travel costs and accommodation. We will provide detailed information on accommodation opportunities in Berehove in the second circular.
We welcome questions about the conference in e-mail ( and also by phone to the following number: +380-95-34-18-035 (Gyula Fodor, PhD, Vice-Rector of Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College).
Preliminary schedule of the conference:
- March 25, 2020 (Wednesday) afternoon: arrival, registration and accommodation of the participants;
- March 26, 2020 (Thursday) morning: arrival and registration of the participants, inauguration, plenary session;
- March 26, 2020 (Thursday) afternoon: paper sessions;
- March 27, 2020 (Friday): bus excursion;
- March 28, 2020 (Saturday): departure.
A detailed program containing information about lectures of the plenary and paper sessions and session chairs will be sent to the participants in e-mail prior to the beginning of the conference.
We are looking forward to your and your colleagues’ application as either presenter or participant.
József Molnár, PhD
Head of Department of Geography and Tourism,
Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian
College of Higher Education,
President of the Organizing Committee
Formal requirements
Layout of the volume: | black and white |
Length: | max. 8 pages |
General parameters: | font size –12
line-space – 1.5 font type – Times New Roman paper size – А4 margins – all 2.5 centimeters |
Language of the publication: | Hungarian, Ukrainian, English |
Title of the article: | capital letters, center-align |
Name(s) of the author(s): | in italics, center-align |
Institution: | center-align |
E-mail: | in italics, center-align |
References: | either at the end of the sentence or in the text: (Huntington 1996) or (Vallin et al. 2009, 56 р.) |
Bibliography: | Huntington, S. P. 1996: The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. New York, Simon & Schuster. 367 p.
Vallin, J. – Mesle, F. – Adamets, S. – Pyrozhkov, S. 2009: The great famine: population losses in Ukraine. In: Demography and social economy 12. 2. pp. 3–11. |
Abstract: | All abstracts should be written in English
Abstract – center-align title of the article – center-align name(s) of the author(s) – center-align key words – one line, left-align length – 4–6 lines font size – 12 |
Figures: | in a separate file, min. 300 dpi resolution and .jpg format |
Excel tables: | in a separate file |
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