Invitation to the 7th Conference on Horticulture and Landscape Architecture in Transylvania
The Transylvanian Museum Society (EME), the Regional Committee of the MTA in Cluj (KAB), and the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania are pleased to announce the 7th Conference on Horticulture and Landscape Architecture in Transylvania. We welcome all interested parties to our event, which will take place on May 11-13, 2023.
- Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art, Budapest, Hungary
- Ferenc Rákóczi II. Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute, Department of Biology and Chemistry, Beregszász, Ukraine
The topic of the conference:
The environment (built and natural) and the social context in which our settlements and the Transylvanian landscape are shaped are undergoing rapid and sudden changes. Excessive energy and raw material consumption, uncontrolled or careless urbanization, excessive and extreme globalization, or misguided rigid localization, along with its specific modes of production and consumption are some of the factors responsible for the changes in our living space, places of residence, habitats and in the life forms of our world. As long as the environmental changes are directly perceptible, understanding the connections, drawing conclusions and finding answers to the changes is a task concerning all of us, and thus the professionals as well.
The aims of the conference:
- joint involvement of professionals, researchers, farmers, students, organizations working in the field of horticulture, landscape architecture, settlement planning, plant cultivation, plant protection or related fields from all over the world, in solving problems concerning the environmental changes;
- establishing and maintaining collaborative relationships between participants;
- involving young researchers in scientific life;
- encouraging research work;
- presentation and dissemination of scientific
Registration and abstract submission deadline: April 12, 2023.
Further details about the conference can be found in the attached document.
If you are oral (plenary/section) or poster presenter, please register using the link below.
If you want to participate only as a listener, please register here.
For further information please visit.
With best regards, the Organizing Committee
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