János Csák, Minister of Culture and Innovation, visited the Rákóczi College
János Csák, Minister of Culture and Innovation, visited the Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education on 23 September, where he met with Ildikó Orosz, president of our college, István Csernicskó, rector, Gyula Fodor, Béla Rácz and János Csizmár, vice-rectors, Dóra Kóré, director of the Transcarpathian Hungarian Lyceum, István Nagy, director of the Ede Egán Vocational Training Centre in Beregszász and Dénes Szedlák, director of the college’s dormitory.
During the first half of the day, János Csák visited the college’s building, the Health and Sports Centre, the Kölcsey College, the Philology Campus, the Mineral Hall and the Apáczai Csere János Library.
He then attended the opening ceremony of the academic year of the Rákóczi College, which took place in the Reformed Church of Beregszász.
At the end of the day, János Csák, together with members of the management of our college, visited the Good Samaritan Children’s Home, the Rákóczi College’s Egán Ede Vocational Training Centre and the Forest School in Nagydobrony.
A. K.
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