Out of Time – Poetry Day celebrated at the Rákóczi College
In 1964, for the first time, and since then every year, we celebrate the Day of Hungarian Poetry on April 11, Attila József’s birthday. On this occasion, literary lectures, book launches and poet meetings are held both within and beyond Hungary to pay tribute to the Hungarian lyric poetry.
At the Rákóczi College, traditionally the Hungarian Department Group organises the celebration of this famous event. On 11 April, students majoring in Hungarian invited the audience to a special journey as part of a stage performance.
Dóra Mónus, lecturer of the Hungarian Department Group, welcomed the audience. Then, together with the students majoring in Hungarian, we had a chance to hang out of time. In their performance, they tried to capture time in the poems of Hungarian contemporary poets. We heard excerpts from János Lackfi, Csilla Tóth, László Nagy Milán, Dezső Tandori, Géza Ottlik. Örök pillanat by Sándor Weöres, Szerelmi költészet by Zsófi Rémán, Hétfő reggel by Anna Bors came to life.
From the presentation we learned that time is both finite and infinite, and that for what we can be grateful in the world.
Anita Kurmay
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