Practical aspects of life insurance: a student’s meeting with the Agency Manager of MetLife Ukraine
On Friday, May 13, 2022, 2nd year students majoring in Accounting and Taxation had the opportunity to meet in an open online format with Andrii Voilo, manager and head of Agency at MetLife Ukraine, who has been working in the insurance business for more than 17 years.
During the meeting, Mr. Andrii told the students about the general philosophy of life insurance, its importance and the need for awareness. He revealed the features of risk and accumulative personal insurance. Using specific examples, he showed the peculiarities of calculating insurance premiums and payments in terms of various insurance programs offered by MetLife Ukraine.
Eleonóra Márcenyuk: We had a great opportunity to listen to Andrii Voilo, a specialist in insurance practice, who revealed many interesting aspects in the field of life insurance in Ukraine. The lecture began with the theoretical part, after which we could see how the amount of insurance payments is calculated in practice. Life insurance also covered health, accidents and pensions. I liked that we were able to compare several events in life insurance programs. In my opinion, this lecture was useful for everyone, because we could learn from an insurance specialist how life insurance works in modern realities.
Prepared by:
Nina Poyda-Nosyk,
Doctor of Economics, Professor
Professor at Accounting and Auditing Department
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