Rákóczi Days at the College in Beregszász
Every year, the Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education traditionally organizes the Rákóczi Days, a series of events commemorating the birthday of the institution’s namesake, Prince Rákóczi. This year, for the 19th time, the institution is organising the Rákóczi Days between 25-28 March.
The program of Rákóczi Days commenced on Sunday, 17 March, a week earlier in consideration of Palm Sunday, when the now traditional Rákóczi Cup competition took place.
This was followed by the opening ceremony of Rákóczi Days on Monday 25 March. On this occasion, the management, teachers and students of our college laid wreaths at the equestrian statue of Ferenc Rákóczi II in the centre of Beregszász. As part of the wreath-laying ceremony, the choir of the Rákóczi College’s Vocational High School performed the song “Csínom Palkó,” a Kuruc-era anthem, and traditional Rákóczi melodies were played on the tárogató by Imre Holozsai, teacher at the Tulipán Tanoda Hungarian School of Folk Music and Folk Art.
Afterwards, the participants laid wreaths of respect at the busts of Ferenc Rákóczi II and Ilona Zrínyi in the college building.
In the latter part of the day, awards established by the institution were presented.
K. A.
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