The Day of Hungarian Culture was celebrated at the Rákóczi College
The Pro Cultura Subcarpathica NGO and the Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education celebrated the Day of Hungarian Culture with a musical and fairy-tale compilation. The event took place on 22 January at the Rákóczi College.
The event started with the singing of our national prayer, the Himnusz, followed by a welcome speech by Krisztina Molnár, PCS coordinator.
“What a beautiful start to the year, launching our series of events with the Day of Hungarian Culture. I think it is a day to remember how precious our culture is. We can also be proud that on this day the Himnusz was written in its final form, praying to God to protect this community that has been in the Carpathian Basin for a thousand years,”
said Ildikó Orosz, president of the Rákóczi College and PCS.
After the opening ceremony, the music took centre stage. Marianna Györkéné Csákány, leader of the Gyöngykaláris Choir School, and József Ivaskovics, Hungarian Heritage Award winning music teacher, choir conductor, composer, poet-singer and founder of the Transcarpathian Credo ensemble, performed poems set to music.The poems of Sándor Reményik, Éva Bodnár, Léna Losonczi, Lajos Pósa, Erzsébet Túrmezei and Magda Füzesi warmed the hearts of all those present. In addition, Sándor Petőfi’s poem “Nem megyek én innen sehova” was sung as one by young and old.
The day was closed with an interactive fairy tale performance by the Mesélő Bőrönd Társulat from Hungary. Their tale titled “A kiskondás” was filled with humorous scenes, and everyone in attendance could actively participate.
The audience rewarded the performances with applause.
Anita Kurmay
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