Conducting financial literacy courses in secondary schools of Transcarpathia

In 2022, the Ferenc Rakotsi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education (FR II THCHE) has started a mission to train students of secondary schools in Transcarpathia with the aim of mastering basic financial, economic and entrepreneurial skills. It is well known that the population of...

2022.11.28. 148
Development of a culture of academic integrity at the Department of accounting and auditing

Students of higher education and teachers of the department of accounting and auditing from FR II THCHE joined the OPTIMA project and took part in a survey on the level of academic integrity and open...

2022.11.16. 99
The Institute FR II THCHE was presented at an international conference in Thailand

In October 2022, an international conference was held on the basis of three Thai universities (Shinawatra University Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Mahamakut Buddhist University), where the Institute was presented by Prof. Poyda-Nosyk...

2022.11.16. 199
The contribution of the Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education to the budgetary stability of the Berehiv Urban Territorial Community

The role of the Ferenc Rakotsi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education (FRII THCHE, or the Institute) at the regional level is not limited to the performance of educational, cultural and social functions, because it also plays an important budget-forming function from the point of...

2022.11.10. 530