Diploma award ceremony at the Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College’s Vocational High School
The students majoring in applied mathematics at the Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College’s Vocational High School received their diplomas on July 7th. The ceremony took place at the Roman Catholic Church in Beregszász.
The event began with an ecumenical service. János Molnár, the episcopal vicar of the Roman Catholic Diocese in Munkács, the parish priest of the Roman Catholic Diocese in Beregszász, Sándor Zán Fábián, the bishop of the Transcarpathian Reformed Church, and Jenő Lődár, Greek Catholic sacrificer delivered sermons.
After our national prayer and the hymn of the college were performed, Dr. István Csernicskó, the rector of the Rakoczi College of Higher Education, addressed the attendees.
“In his work entitled ‘Hymn about peace,’ Miklós Radnóti referred to peace as a fairy light, a fleeting hope, and a rare jewel of the centuries when dark clouds gathered in the sky of Europe in 1939 and humanity sank deeper into the horrors of World War II. Today, war persists, weapons roar, and a glimmer of hope for peace seems distant. However, dear graduating students, you are stepping out of the walls of the Vocational High School today, as fresh graduates, filled with energy, enthusiasm and determination. I wish you to hold onto your enthusiasm, to have perseverance and to never forget your dreams, for which it is worth working,”
he said, addressing the graduates.
Following that, Katalin Soós, the director of the Vocational High School, summarized the past academic year. She highlighted that the past years were not free from challenges. First, the coronavirus and online education, then the war and power outages made their student years difficult, but those who receive their diplomas today have successfully overcome these obstacles.
“Today is part of a closure of a truly eventful academic year, it is a celebration. Dear graduates, you may not know it yet, but life is just beginning for you. You have four years behind you, you’ve accomplished it, but there’s no need to stop here. Continue learning, improve yourselves, and never deviate from the path of growth,”
she emphasized.
In his welcoming speech, Károly Rezes, the chairman of the District Council in Beregszász, addressed the significant role of quality vocational education today. Skilled and trained workforce, capable of adapting to economic changes is the foundation and backbone of a well-functioning democratic society.
“I would like to express my gratitude, on behalf of myself and the District Council in Beregszász, to the Hungarian government for their efforts and support, which have made it possible for the Hungarian community in Transcarpathia to have access to European-level vocational education and, thus, to remain here at home,”
he added.
Following that, the winners of various competitions held throughout the academic year received their commendation certificates. The Student of the Year award was also presented, and this year it was given to Barbara Lenyó, a third-year student majoring in tourism.
After the speeches, it was time for the graduating students to take the stage. On behalf of the departing students, József Kovács, a graduating student majoring in applied mathematics, delivered a farewell speech. Then, Alexandra Hapák performed Khachaturian’s Etude on piano.
Next came the graduation vow of the students, followed by the presentation of well-deserved diplomas by rector István Csernicskó and director Katalin Soós.
Subsequently, the third-year students majoring in applied mathematics bid farewell to their fellow students. Emília Hevesi delivered a speech, and Melissza Izaj recited a poem. The small program concluded with a performance by the choir.
“It is the duty of every individual to serve their own people, and throughout your studies, you, the graduates, have acquired all the knowledge necessary for this. Be proud of your diploma, your achievements, your alma mater, and everything you have learned in this institution,”
added József Bacskai, the Consul General of the Consulate General of Hungary in Ungvár.
Orosz Ildikó, the president of the Rakoczi College of Higher Education, began her closing speech with the words of Imre Madách:
“Hope, disappointment, struggle, failure, The great race that lasts until the grave. Always seeking the good, the beautiful, And not finding it – such is life.”
She emphasized that today’s graduates were only able to spend nearly a year studying in peaceful circumstances, and later their student years were challenged by the pandemic and the war. Nevertheless, they successfully overcame these obstacles. The president concluded her speech with the words of Imre Madách:
“I have told you, Man: strive on, and trust!”
Finally, representatives of the historical churches sought God’s blessings upon the lives and work of those present. The ceremony concluded with the singing of the Szózat.
Anita Kurmay
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