Musical Essences – The Day of Hungarian Culture at the Rákóczi College
The Pro Cultura Subcarpathica civil organization and the Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College celebrated the Day of Hungarian Culture with a musical composition. The event took place on 23 January at the Rákóczi College.
It started with a recitation of Ferenc Kölcsey’s poem “The Himnusz” by Dóra Mónus, a lecturer of the Philology Department of the Rákóczi College.
Ildikó Orosz, the president of our College, welcomed the guests.
“Everything we say and write in our mother tongue, all our folk songs and folk dances are part of our culture. And today we are testifying how we preserve Hungarian culture here in Transcarpathia,”
she said.
After the opening ceremony, the main focus was on the meeting and interweaving of folk music and classical music. The first performance was given by teachers and students of the Zoltan Kodaly Fine Arts School in Beregszasz. During their performance, they sang Hungarian folk songs and verbunkos songs alongside works by Ferenc Liszt, Imre Kálmán, Leó Weiner and Brahms. They were followed by a performance by the teachers and students of the Tulipán Tanoda Hungarian School of Folk Music and Folk Art. They delighted the audience with bereg and szatmr folk songs, Rákóczi melodies and poems set to music.
The audience rewarded the musical performance with loud applause. At the end of the concert, the audience sang our national prayer together.
K. A.
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