Participation of Transcarpathia in the 36th National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference in Physics, Earth Sciences and Mathematics sections
Between 11-13 April, the 36th OTDK Physics, Earth Sciences and Mathematics Section (FiFöMa) held its sessions in Veszprém. A total of 29 people represented the Rákóczi College and Transcarpathia itself in various capacities: 7 observing teachers, 3 lecturers and 19 observing students. The Transcarpathian students qualified for the OTDK on the basis of their results at the scientific student conferences of the last two years. Of the 3 lecturers, 2 were students from the College’s Department of Earth Sciences and Tourism and 1 from the Department of Mathematics and Informatics.
Dominika Simon presented her course work entitled Tourism Development Opportunities in Transcarpathia in the Social Geography section, and within that in the Sustainable Spatial and Urban Development subsection, under the supervision of Dr. Sándor Berghauer. Lídia Tóth presented the results of her thesis entitled Study of childbearing attitudes in the settlements of the south-western tip of Munkács district in the Geographical issues of population and society subcategory, under the supervision of Dr. József Molnár. In Mathematics – and within that, Algebra and Number Theory – István Mozgovoj demonstrated his work on Group algebras, whose unit group is meta-abelian, under the supervision of Dr. Tibor Juhász. István Mozgovoj’s course work was awarded a special prize, for which we congratulate him.
The FiFöMa in Veszprém gave the students of the Rákóczi College the opportunity to gain an insight into a small corner of scientific life. The high quality sessions not only provided students with experiences, but also constructive feedback and advice. In addition to the technical presentations the organisers also provided a range of cultural and scientific activities, giving participants the opportunity to get to know the city hosting the conference and to network.
We congratulate the students and their supervisors on the works presented and wish them continued success. We would also like to thank the accompanying teachers for their work and support in making the students’ participation in the conference smooth. Finally, we would like to thank the staff of the Genius Charity Foundation and the Science Students Without Borders (HTDK) organisations for providing the opportunity to participate.
Lídia Tóth
1st year MSc student in Geography
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