Earth Day celebrated at the Rákóczi College

Organised by the Department of Biology and Chemistry, Earth Sciences and Tourism of the Rákóczi College and the Fodor István Research Centre Earth Day was celebrated from 18 to 20...

2023.04.25. 208
Participation of Transcarpathia in the 36th National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference in Physics, Earth Sciences and Mathematics sections

Between 11-13 April, the 36th OTDK Physics, Earth Sciences and Mathematics Section (FiFöMa) held its sessions in Veszprém. A total of 29 people represented the Rákóczi College and Transcarpathia itself in various capacities: 7 observing teachers, 3 lecturers and 19 observing students. The...

2023.04.21. 256
Invitation to the 7th Conference on Horticulture and Landscape Architecture in Transylvania

Extended registration and abstract submission deadline: April 19,...

2023.04.17. 22
Professor of the FR II THCHE is among the reviewers of Scopus publication

Prof. Nina Poyda-Nosyk,  Doctor of Economics and Professor at the Accounting and Auditing Department of FR II THCHE, is invited as a peer reviewer for Scopus-indexed Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, ISSN 2367-3370, 2367-3389 (electronic). The Springer Lecture Notes are indexed by...

2023.04.13. 183
Out of Time – Poetry Day celebrated at the Rákóczi College

In 1964, for the first time, and since then every year, we celebrate the Day of Hungarian Poetry on April 11, Attila József’s birthday. On this occasion, literary lectures, book launches and poet meetings are held both within and beyond Hungary to pay tribute to the Hungarian lyric...

2023.04.13. 205
Poem in the square! – joint poetry recitation in Beregszász

After three years of online poetry recitation, Pro Cultura Subcarpathica invited again to recite...

2023.04.12. 352
The rabbit is sitting in the grass – Preserving traditions Frangepán style

Easter is one of our most important holidays. Young and old alike are working hard to put all kinds of delicacies and colourful, uniquely decorated eggs on the festive...

2023.04.11. 279
International scientific conference at the Rákóczi College

The Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Teaching, Kindergarten Pedagogy, Education and Institutional Management of Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College holds an international scientific conference entitled Impact and challenges of crisis situations in education. The conference...

2023.03.31. 338
The impact and challenges of crisis situations in education – International scientific conference at the Rákóczi College

The Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Teaching, Kindergarten Pedagogy, Education and Institutional Management of Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College holds an international scientific conference entitled Impact and challenges of crisis situations in education. The conference will...

2023.03.31. 257
István Csernicskó’s inaugural lecture at the Rákóczi College

The 195th session of the General Assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences took place between 2-4 May 2022, during which István Csernicskó, rector of Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College, president of the Transcarpathian Hungarian Academic Council, founder, former head and...

2023.03.30. 336
Language courses at the Rákóczi College

In the 21st century, the importance of learning and teaching foreign languages is unquestionable. It is essential for mobility and for establishing cross-cultural contacts and promoting mutual understanding. Today, knowledge of at least one foreign language is not just a requirement for a degree,...

2023.03.28. 130
Festive Scientific Council at the Rákóczi College

The Scientific Council of Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College held its next ceremonial meeting on 27 March within the framework of the Rákóczi...

2023.03.28. 236
Rákóczi Days at the College in Beregszász

Every year, the Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College traditionally organizes the Rákóczi Days, a series of events commemorating the birthday of the College’s namesake, Prince Rákóczi. This year, for the 18th time, the College is organizing the Rákóczi Days between 26-31...

2023.03.27. 368
Invitation to the 7th Conference on Horticulture and Landscape Architecture in Transylvania

The Transylvanian Museum Society (EME), the Regional Committee of the MTA in Cluj (KAB), and the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania are pleased to announce the 7th Conference on Horticulture and Landscape Architecture in Transylvania. We welcome all interested parties to our event,...

2023.03.20. 73
The heroes of the 1848-49 Revolution and War of Independence are remembered with a silent tribute

Due to the situation in Ukraine, the traditional 15 March commemoration was replaced by a silent tribute and wreath laying ceremony in...

2023.03.16. 229
Tribute to the brave – The heroes of the 1848-49 Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence were commemorated at the Rákóczi College

1848-49 was a defining moment in the life of our Hungarian nation. A handful of young people believed that they could make a difference and could win their freedom for themselves. The revolution won, the fight for freedom failed, but the memory of the heroes lives on in...

2023.03.16. 365